Star Force: Endless Crusade Read online

Page 8

  “Thank you,” he said, knowing his arm could take a few more weeks recovery, and that Sor-vak knew that as well.

  “We’ll still be outnumbered, and I’d rather have you with me than not. So hurry. Everyone is scrambling.”

  “On my way,” Bi-tor said, seeing the location coordinates transmitted along with the audio message and taking off at a run. He was going to have to move fast in order to get there in time, and the ache just below his left shoulder with every arm swing wasn’t going to delay him. This unwinnable war had just flipped, and while others needed to rest and recover he did not.

  Exhausted he was, but he’d learned to fight that way long ago and the trip across the stars would allow him and the others to rest enough. When they got to wherever they were going they’d be ready. He just hoped they’d managed to scrape up enough Stranom and other heavy equipment for a proper invasion…but even if they hadn’t, he was ready and willing to fight, with infantry only if necessary, to reclaim their worlds. Without a stream of reinforcements they could take their time, hit where they liked, and win a battle of attrition against any Skarron army, no matter how large.

  And without having civilians to defend, they could always choose their battlefields. That alone was enough to send him running across the rubble fields at a frenzy, for despite the relief in him that the war was over, part of him wasn’t content to just let it go. At least not until the Voku had a string of victories to end on and all their systems back…if not a few more for good measure, but that was for the Dafchor to decide. For Bi-tor, all he wanted was in the fight…and some long overdue payback.


  May 8, 3656

  Szequat System (Voku Capitol)


  Cal-com entered the Elder’s Lair and stood in the audience chamber waiting for the red dragon to gradually appear from behind a low wall.

  “What do you require of me?” he asked as the Elder climbed up onto the soft pedestal and laid down with his head arching up on his long neck higher than the Dafchor stood.

  “You have done well, and you will continue to reclaim the systems that were lost…including those in the Firewall and as many beyond as you desire, but do not overreach as you rebuild. Your task is to increase your strength and defenses here while returning as many ships to the Orica Region as prudent. If the V’kit’no’sat strike you there, you must have the strength to delay their victory long enough to evacuate your wards.”

  “What of the Skarrons?”

  “Their Crusade will trouble you no further, but guard their border wherever you set it and let the losses they suffered be remembered with an iron will evident in absolute dominance. The only reason you do not take those systems is because you choose to not do so. Become a rock so firm that no one will dare oppose you again. Much can be gained from this Crusade in the minds of potential opposition beyond the Skarrons, but only if you are firm now and dictate the future. You cannot afford to be lax while salving your wounds.”


  “As to your lingering question of the Skarrons,” he said, reading the Voku’s mind, “they are too busy to bother with you again. Their core worlds have been invaded, and the Crusade is returning to fight in the systems they left vulnerable in order to mass the numbers they brought here.”

  “The V’kit’no’sat?” Cal-com wondered.

  “No, but they are indirectly involved. Prior to the invasion of Star Force, the V’kit’no’sat had launched a small taskforce to exterminate the Li’vorkrachnika after they stupidly assaulted one of their outposts and had enough success to draw their death mark. The events at Star Force’s capitol prompted internal divisions within the V’kit’no’sat to explode into a low scale civil war. There is little fighting, but suspicions run high and the forces sent to destroy the Li’vorkrachnika have been recalled. Rather than rally their forces to fight against the Crusade, the Li’vorkrachnika have taken a much more intelligent strategy.”

  The Elder produced a holographic map of the warfront between the Skarrons and Li’vorkrachnika, with Voku territory as it was now a small adjunct, testifying to how large a military the Skarrons actually had to accommodate a Crusade across so much contested territory…but it was the far off Skarron territories, of which the Voku did not have full maps, that Cal-com could see now held Li’vorkrachnika markers.

  “They do not care for losing systems if it aids their long term goals, and as they did in their war against Star Force, they have abandoned their most valuable worlds to hopeless battles while they send their forces elsewhere. In this case, they have attacked and now have claimed the Skarron capitol and many of their most heavily populated systems, including strikes against their major shipyards. The Li’vorkrachnika are cutting the heart out of the Skarron empire and the Crusade is returning as fast as possible, but the damage has been done…and the Li’vorkrachnika are sparing their own valuable worlds by forcing this retreat. The Skarrons have been outwitted, and even with the damage the V’kit’no’sat did to them, the Li’vorkrachnika are in a slightly superior position.”

  “Can they defeat the Skarrons?”

  “Difficult to say, for such a war under these circumstances will take millennia to unfold. When the Crusade ships return they will overrun the Li’vorkrachnika, but whether they will fight to hold or push to scorch I do not know. Regardless, the Crusade has been blunted and the Skarrons’ most precious possessions are destroyed. The mass of their empire will sustain them, but the growth rate of the Li’vorkrachnika is superior. Whoever is the ultimate victor in this contest does not matter, for both sides will be so preoccupied with survival that they will be of no threat to you. Voku territory is now safe from both the Skarrons and the Li’vorkrachnika.”

  “Until the victor regrows,” Cal-com added.

  “By that time the Voku will be so dominant that you will be able to destroy them if necessary…unless the V’kit’no’sat are involved, which is why you cannot aid Star Force. I know you want to, but there is too much at stake and it is a fight that cannot be won.”

  “How badly are the V’kit’no’sat divided?”

  “Not enough to matter for Star Force. Even a fraction of their overall fleet will be enough to destroy them. If that should change I will give you leave to intervene, but it will not. They are far too powerful.”

  “Will their civil war escalate?”

  “They will not self-destruct. What is occurring is an internal realignment. Whatever losses they suffer will be rebuilt with time, and even if their war against Star Force is delayed it will not be enough to save them. So far their invasion fleet has not been recalled and their destruction continues, though Star Force is causing more damage than they anticipated.”

  “They are very good at that, and while I do not mean to sound disobedient, can you tell me…”

  “If you did aid them, how much would it tip the scales? The problem is not in how many ships they send…but in the fact that they can increase that number at will. They will send as many as needed to accomplish the mission, and even if the Voku aided Star Force that would not change. If more V’kit’no’sat vessels were needed to counter your alliance, they would simply send more. Their strength of technology, numbers, and experience is something you cannot contend with, and hopefully will not, but you must prepare if the Orica Region comes under punitive attack.”

  “And you still believe that they will not come here?”

  “Unless you give them reason to, I do not believe they will bother. If you were to be too successful against them in combat they might take greater interest, which is why you are only to fight if needed to defend your territory long enough to evacuate…and those evacuations must occur quickly. The longer you fight with them the more attention you will gain. They expect people to flee or die, and if you do fight you will suffer heavy losses unless you outnumber them.”

  “If it comes to that, how do you suggest we engage them?”

  “Numbers. Punitive raids are low priority and usu
ally executed with a single vessel. Have enough ships on site and they will either delay until later or take affront and summon more. With Star Force being their priority target, they will delay…during which you will evacuate. When they return and find you gone, it will not be a challenge to them. That is why you must evacuate everyone if a single system is attacked. If that does not happen, you must hold your territory and ensure that you are not drawn into battle.”

  “You said the Li’vorkrachnika received a death mark for attacking a single system?”

  “Yes. The V’kit’no’sat are not to be challenged and control many other races through fear. They have the fleet to back up any threat, but there are so many systems in the galaxy that they cannot deal with them all simultaneously. Thus they choose those most notable. You must not become notable.”

  “Will they return to finish the Li’vorkrachnika?”

  “If they have abandoned the death mark, they will not reinstate it unless there is another incident. They have much higher priorities to deal with currently.”

  “Why does Star Force rate so high that they could come after us for simply being associated with them? Why would we rate higher than the Li’vorkrachnika?”

  “They are afraid of Star Force. Not because of their strength, but what they represent. They exist because of a violation of V’kit’no’sat rules and possess knowledge and technology from the V’kit’no’sat themselves. They fear what they might grow into given time, and they also fear those who secretly gave Star Force what they could not otherwise acquire on their own.”

  “I thought Star Force began with Zen’zat being abandoned. Are not those who abandoned them seen at fault?”

  “It is much more important than that. Information was left behind in the ruins of Terraxis and Star Force was able to unlock it. That is worthy of an unyielding death mark on its own, but Zen’zat are forbidden to reproduce, with a death mark that cannot be rescinded. No rogue populations are allowed. The Li’vorkrachnika are minor compared to the heresy inherent in Star Force’s mere existence. Any race that has benefited from Star Force technology or knowledge is thus tainted by the heresy and must be purged. No unsanctioned technology or knowledge must be allowed to escape the V’kit’no’sat, so the closer ties you have to Star Force the greater attention you will receive from the V’kit’no’sat.”

  “We have not shared technology.”

  “That is why I do not think they will pursue you to extinction. But if you are in their way, or merely nearby, they may swat you down simply for your association with the heretics.”

  “I know the V’kit’no’sat are vastly stronger than the Skarrons, but in terms of fleet numbers, how do they compare?”

  “V’kit’no’sat vessels are much larger than those the Skarrons use, but in terms of tonnage the V’kit’no’sat have more.”

  That sent a chill down Cal-com’s spine. After the endless losses to the Skarrons the Voku had just suffered due to their numbers, he couldn’t imagine facing so many superior opponents.

  “It is hopeless,” the Elder said, sensing the necessary realization within the Dafchor. “Which is why you must not engage. Star Force has to face this alone.”

  “And it is equally hopeless for them?”

  “No. They have technology and power beyond yours. That gives them a small fighting chance and they’ve already proven capable of taking advantage of opportunities and securing victories against the V’kit’no’sat, but they do not have the strength to sustain such things. Their empire will fall. It is simply a matter of time.”

  “And if they run?”

  “They will be hunted by pursuit that will never relent, but it is possible that some might escape to the rim of the galaxy where they have no presence. They will not be an ally of the Voku for much longer.”

  “Thank you for your assistance and guidance. It is badly needed.”

  “You are crossing paths with forces beyond you that you cannot fully understand. We have elevated you to a strength you did not attain on your own in order to speed your ascension. As such we have a responsibility to guide you until such a time that you do understand.”

  “What do you envision us becoming?”

  “Each race must find their own path. We are exploring your potential. The ultimate path has not been concluded.”

  “Will we fight the V’kit’no’sat alongside you one day?”

  “If so, it will be so far into the future to be worthless discussing now. Put that notion out of your mind. They are a force you must fear and withdraw from. That is your only chance for survival. We cannot intervene with them. Their technology is too advanced to hide ourselves from.”

  “How many know of what you did?”

  “Only you. Let others speculate as they wish, but we must remain an enigma. Even within the Voku. Tell your Renimars that you know what occurred, but the Elders have forbidden you to discuss the matter. That should satisfy their confusion, if not their curiosity.”

  “Thank you for revealing it to me.”

  “You need to know, for in the coming ages you will be playing an important role. For now, strengthen the Voku and replenish your losses while guarding against future ones. The time will come when more is needed from your race, and you will be personally guiding them forward at our direction, but for now there is another investment into the future that we wish to begin to make. I require volunteers from the most accomplished warriors, not so many as to weaken you as you reclaim territory, but several thousand that wish to serve us directly. They will most likely never see their race again, and I will not accept any who are not fully committed, thus they must be volunteers.”

  “May I ask what they are volunteering for?”

  “No. They cannot know. Tell them it is personal service, and that they will be living amongst us. Beyond that you must keep to yourself, but I can tell you that we see great potential in the Voku, similar to another in the past that did not turn out to our expectations. We need to develop, assess, and enhance you over the course of time, and we will begin now. The volunteers will disappear from Voku society, and you will not inquire after them. They will fully be our responsibility and no longer under your command.”

  “How many do you wish me to select?”

  “Ask as many as you feel are worthy and we will choose from among them, but make it clear that we value the further development of the Voku empire as an equally important priority. We will not siphon the strength from you, and any Voku with ties to the empire should stay there. We only want individuals who are comfortable with a complete break. From those volunteers we will choose based on criteria unknown to you, so do not let a pass be seen as a mark of shame. This is an alternative path, but one that must be fully embraced and cannot be commanded.”

  “I will be painfully clear in the distinction,” Cal-com said, getting a weird feeling that the Elder picked up on.

  “Your insight does you credit, Dafchor. The Voku are our hope to replace the Zen’zat, and what I have seen during this Crusade bodes well. You are already far superior to the Ter’nat. How far we can elevate you from here is a question we seek to answer.”

  “How did the Zen’zat fail?”

  “You already suspect the answer.”

  “Then why not quietly save some of the Archons as Star Force falls?”

  “When their empire is destroyed, where will we get more?”

  “Then we are…”

  “More than incubators. The Voku Empire is an important asset that we intend to use. You are not mere breeding stock, and that is the basic theory of your potential superiority to the Zen’zat.”

  “You do us great honor. I hope we are able to live up to expectations.”

  “There is only one way to know for sure, thus I require volunteers for blind service.”

  “You shall have them.”

  8 months later…

  Bi-tor was fighting in the Sitoza System and helping to reclaim the two planets there from Skarron occupation when the order
came through, pulling him off the planet via courier ship that took him three jumps to a small Voku convoy where he was deposited along with hundreds of others who had likewise been chosen for service to the Elders.

  It was an insane honor even without knowing the particulars, and Bi-tor had already seen enough Skarron ass kicking to satisfy him. The empire was reclaiming what had been lost and the enemy couldn’t put up much resistance without their Crusade fleet that was now long gone, fleeing back to their own worlds where the Li’vorkrachnika had mounted a surprise attack. The Dafchor had assured the Voku that the Skarrons would not be returning, and Bi-tor knew that his fellow warriors were more than a match for the garrison forces they were fighting now.

  What the Elders wanted from him he did not know, but he was fully ready to jump into the void to serve them and cutting all ties with the empire didn’t scare him. The Voku served the Elders, and direct service to them was a logical extension of that. The empire didn’t need him, but apparently the Elders did. He could not think why that would be, but he was here and waiting with the others onboard ship when they were summoned to a hangar bay that was open to space.

  832 of them were assembled and left there as the ship’s crew left, sealing the doors behind them without a word. Bi-tor held position and waited for several minutes, then a tunnel appeared outside the hangar in space and pushed through the atmospheric shield. It appeared to connect to nothing, but the inside of the tunnel was solid and a voice inside his mind told him to board.

  The others moved with him, apparently having gotten the same mental order, and when he stepped onto the deck plates in the tunnel he could feel the presence of the Elders. The technology was alien yet somehow familiar, transforming when the last of them walked onboard to seal up behind them and shrink down to nothing, leaving the Voku standing inside what was apparently an invisible ship far wider than even the hangar doors had been.


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